8.00am Nursery opens, we offer breakfast 8-8.30am which is included in the price. Children are welcomed by the nursery team, belongings placed on photo pegs and self registration with name cards. Children are comforted if needed and supported with the transition into nursery.
8.30am This is another morning session start time and children are welcomed and settled as above
8.45-9.00am Music and movement session is offered if children would like to take part. This can be yoga, sticky kids movement songs, action songs, stretching session, dancing etc
9.00-9.15am Hello circle time, the children carry this out with key person/age groups. This is a time to sing our hello songs, talk about the day, date, month and look at the weather and season.
9.15-11.45 Children's choices time with all areas of the nursery open to free flow. During this time key persons take groups of children off for activities following next steps and interests of children. This is small group time focused activities.
(10.00-10.30am Snack time, selection of fruit and vegetables with milk or water to drink is offered. This is self service to encourage children's independence skills. An adult is present at all times to support children with this time. All children are encouraged to have snack)
11.45-12.00 Tidy up time ready for lunch time. Children are encouraged and supported with tidying up the area they have been playing in. This helps with understanding how to look after our resources and where they belong. Songs are also used to help promote this time and children understand the routine.
(12.00 and 1.00 These are also session start and finish time options.)
12.00-12.30 Lunch time, children wash hands before lunch and are helped to understand personal hygiene. Children are supported to self serve food and pour own drinks during this time with adult support. This is a very sociable time where children chat to each other and the adults. Please see our menu's for food served.
12.30-12.45 Circle time, during this time resources like beat baby and Lola the listening leopard are used. This gives children an opportunity to share interests and take turns to listen to each other. Beat baby is used to help with speech and language further building on to phonics and counting skills.
12.45-1.30 Sleep/rest time or quieter activities. This time after lunch some children are supported with sleep/rest routines whilst the other children engage in quieter activities within the nursery.
1.30-4.00pm Children's choices, as repeated from the morning session with small focused group times happening with key persons.
3.30-4.00 Afternoon snack time, this is similar to the morning snack time with choices of fruit and vegetables with milk and water on offer. We also have an afternoon snack menu, this consists of toasted muffins, crumpets, crisp breads, tea cakes, sandwiches with a range of fillings, toppings and dips.
4.15-4.30 At this time our core day finishes, but we are open till 6pm. At this time the good bye song is sang and the children have a story.
4.30-6pm Childrens choices of activities as before.
6pm Nursery closes. At the end of children's sessions practitioners will hand over to parents about their child/ren's day. This is done by the key person where possible.
Toileting and Nappy changes, children are encouraged to regularly use the toilet and we support families with toilet training. Nappies are checked and changed throughout the day, this is by the key person where possible.
We ask that all children bring a named drinks bottle each session with water in, this is to encourage keeping hydrated. The children have access to these at all times and are encourage to take drinks throughout the session.